The Author of Light - 5 Copies of Book - Dr. Doug Corrigan
Educational Material

The Author of Light - 5 Copies of Book - Dr. Doug Corrigan


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    (This is a pack of 5 books) - This is a perfect package to give away as gifts,or for small group/bible studies.

    If the universe were created by someone, is it reasonable to assume that the creator would leave a signature in the physics governing the universe? Dr. Doug Corrigan believes the answer to question is yes. Dr. Corrigan believes a secret message is encoded in the physics of light that reveals the very nature and identity of the creator. In this book, Dr. Corrigan reveals 18 different properties of light that paint a picture of the creator’s identity. Not only is the creator’s identity revealed, but also the personal characteristics and actions of the creator.

    Starting with the Special Theory of Relativity, Dr. Corrigan systematically reveals the extraordinary physics behind light, space, time, matter, and energy that tells a story about our origins, why we are here, and how we should respond. The reader doesn’t need any background in science or physics to understand the content of this book, as Dr. Corrigan presents the story in simple concepts that everyone can understand. This book is perfect for adults and teenagers alike.
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